1. Start with the School & Scholarship Finder — learn about college golf programs and identify the schools that are the best fit for you!
2. Check out The Recruiting Course — I’ll walk you through how to start communicating with coaches.
3. Still have questions? Get in touch to discuss your situation and learn more about one-on-one advising options.
NOTE: Our update is complete! The current version of the School & Scholarship Finder is based on college golf scores from the last full season of competition — the 2021-2022 season — and includes junior golf stats from 2019-2022.
2022 School & Scholarship Finder
Interactive tool to help you search schools and golf programs- Easily view information on 1500+ schools that offer NCAA Golf
- Search based on your personal tournament scoring average and test scores, as well as criteria you are looking for in a school
- Compare yourself to current college players
- View the national junior rankings of players who committed from last 4 graduating classes
- View average scoring differential of each school’s committed junior golfers from the last 4 years
- Track your communication with coaches
- Learn what how to build a resume that enables you to be recruited and play at your dream school
- Buy now via PayPal
The Recruiting Course
Jump-start your recruiting process- Includes access to the School & Scholarship Finder, plus:
- Learn how to identify schools that are the best fit for you
- Build a well-balanced list of schools to contact
- Intro email outline and best practices for effective communication with coaches
- Resume template so that you share the information coaches want to see
- Insight into what coaches are thinking as they recruit and evaluate candidates
- Tips on how to advocate for yourself and talk about successes / difficult rounds
- Enroll now and start learning on Teachable
About the College Golf School & Scholarship Finder…
One of the first steps you need to take to start the recruiting process is to discover which schools are a good match for you. This means finding out which schools have golf programs, which of those programs are in a sweet spot for you, personally, based on your golf and academic qualifications, and then narrowing that list based on additional criteria that are unique to you – desired location, size of school, school setting, scholarship availability, competitiveness of the team, and more.
The College Golf Recruiting School & Scholarship Finder helps you learn a lot about the different kinds of schools and programs out there, and discover the schools that are good targets for your recruiting process.
About the College Golf Recruiting Course…
This course is designed to guide you through one of the most difficult parts of the recruiting process — getting started. Through examples, expert advice, and clear structure, you will learn how to build a list of schools to contact, write your introductory email, and create your resume. This course is about taking action. It will provide you with not only valuable information, but also a step-by-step guide for how to make a great impression with coaches at schools that are a good fit for you. In just a few hours, you will finish this course with everything you need to click send and start contacting college coaches!

Claire Sheldon Richardson