What To Do If A Coach Calls


Most of your calls with coaches will be scheduled. You’ll coordinate via email and select a time that works for both of you. However, occasionally a coach will call you unexpectedly. Here are a few tips to help you make a great impression on the call, even if it catches you off guard!


Don’t Answer An Unknown Number… Unless You Are Prepared!

First and foremost, once you pass the magic June-15-following-sophomore-year date that allows coaches to call you, don’t answer any calls from numbers you don’t recognize unless you are in a place where you can give your full attention to it. Don’t answer a call from an unknown number while you are at school, practice, a friend’s house, etc. Similarly, don’t answer a call if it wakes you up! You are not going to be prepared for a conversation in any of these situations and it’s better to miss it and call them back later than to take the call and have it go poorly.

Set Yourself Up For Success

Once you answer the phone and realize that it is a coach, go to a quiet place where you won’t be distracted. Grab a pen on the way if you can.


It seems crazy, but when you smile, something happens to the muscles in your face and neck that actually helps you relax your voice. You will sound more clear and confident.

Be Prepared To Talk About Your Game and Goals

When a coach calls you, he or she will do most of the talking. They will tell you about their school and program, and ask you questions. Be prepared to talk about your golf game (strengths and weaknesses), what kinds of schools/programs you are interested in, and what you know about their school/program

It’s OK If You Don’t Know Much About Their School

… if you don’t know much (or anything!) about their school/program, that’s ok! Ask them to tell you about it. Start with the basics… where is it located, how many students, where does the team practice, where are the team members from, etc.

Ask Questions

Have a couple go-to questions queued up in your mind. Coaches ALWAYS ask if you have any questions. Think of a few questions now that you can store away just in case. A few good ones are: do you have scholarship available, how many kids from my year are you looking to recruit, if you could give junior golfers one piece of advice for the recruiting process what would it be, and what are the things you wish junior golfers did to help better prepare themselves for college golf? 

Say Thank You

Conclude the call by thanking the coach for their interest (even if you aren’t that interested in their school) and asking when/how they want to keep in touch with you moving forward.


Calls are a great way to advance your relationship with a coach, learn more about the program, and advocate for yourself. They are also one of the first human-to-human interactions you’ll have with a coach, and making a good first impression goes a long way! By following these steps, you’ll be ready even if a coach catches you off-guard.