Why isn’t a coach responding to my email?


Email is the best way to initiate contact with a coach during the recruiting process. It’s worth putting a good amount of effort into that introductory email and really paying attention to the information college golf coaches really want to know about prospects. But even after you write a great email, it’s totally normal to not get a response from several of the coaches you contact. Still, a lot of kids wonder, what did I do wrong? Why isn’t a coach responding to me email? Here are some of the reasons why you might nor be getting a response from a coach you really want to hear from…


1. They just aren’t interested

Brutal but true. This is the most common reason why a coach doesn’t respond to your email.

2. They have finished recruiting for your year

Again, brutal but true. It would be nice if coaches would at least write back and tell you if this is the case, but many won’t take the time.

3. You didn’t share the right info

Coaches get contacted by hundreds of prospects each year. If you don’t share the information that coaches need to evaluate whether you are a good fit for their program, they might not make the effort to research you on their own… or respond to your email.

4. They need your academic info, and you don’t have all of that yet

This is especially true for test scores — many coaches want to know that you are a viable candidate academically before investing the time in recruiting you. 

5. Your timing is off

Coaches are really busy, especially in season. They might not have the time to respond to every email they get when they are on the road with the team.

6. The rules don’t allow it

Technically this isn’t ever really the case. Even if you are too young to engage in a recruiting conversation (because it is before June 15 following your sophomore year), coaches are allowed to respond but only to explain the rule that they can’t talk to you yet. If you have more questions on the recruiting timeline, check out our article detailing everything you need to know about the college golf recruiting process timeline!


If you don’t hear back from a coach after you’ve sent 2-3 recruiting emails, check out our article on Cold-Calling coaches. Making a cold-call to a coach is a good option, and a potential game-changer, if you’re struggling to get through to a coach via email.